Smooth Sailing: Essential Tips for First-Time Movers


Ever had that dream where you’re standing on a high dive, looking down at the shimmering pool below? You know the one – heart pounding in your chest as you step off into thin air. Feeling like you’re standing on a high dive, gazing down at the sparkling pool beneath – that’s what it’s like when moving house for the first time. It’s thrilling, terrifying and oh-so liberating.

I still remember my first move; bags packed haphazardly with books I’d never read and kitchen utensils I didn’t even know how to use (I’m looking at you, whisk). Tips for First-Time Movers, well they weren’t so easy to come by back then!

This guide’s got your back to avoid those slip-ups. We’ve touched on all bases: picking a trustworthy moving company that won’t bust your budget, savvy packing tips, right down to getting the utilities up and running in your new place. Because who wouldn’t want that?

Table of Contents:

The Moving Day Guide

Moving day can be quite a hustle, especially for first-time movers. But don’t worry. This guide is here to help you sail through the process smoothly.

Choosing the Right Moving Company

Selecting a moving company isn’t just about getting your stuff from point A to B. It’s also about keeping your items safe and ensuring that everything goes as planned on moving day. Here are some tips:

Firstly, always check reviews of any potential moving company today. People’s experiences will give you an insight into how professional movers operate.

You should consider asking family members or friends if they’ve used removals companies in the past – personal recommendations often prove reliable.

Also remember that cost shouldn’t be your only factor when choosing a mover – service quality matters too.

Planning Your Moving Budget

Planning your budget for moving day includes costs like packing supplies, hiring movers, and turning utilities on at your new place.

Here’s how:

  • Packing Supplies: Boxes might seem inexpensive until you realise just how many you need. Don’t forget tape and bubble wrap too.
  • Hiring Movers: The size of your move determines this cost; more rooms usually mean higher charges. Remember fuel costs if it’s long-distance.
  • Fees & Deposits: You may have fees related to ending old leases or setting up new ones; utility deposits may apply as well.

Using online tools like a cost calculator can be helpful to save money and time.

Packing Smart for Your Move

Packing is perhaps the most daunting part of moving day. But don’t fret. There are ways to pack smart.

Moving Boxes: Use sturdy boxes that can withstand the weight of your items.

Packing Materials: Protect your fragile items with packing materials such as bubble wrap, packing paper or even old newspapers.

Tag It All: Doing this lets you stay on top of what’s inside.

Packing Smart for Your Move

Getting ready to move can feel like a big task. But with the right strategies, you can pack efficiently and effectively to save time and keep your belongings safe during the journey.

Essential Packing Supplies

The first step is to gather all of your packing supplies. You’re going to need more than just moving boxes. It’s a good idea also to have packing materials such as bubble wrap or newspaper on hand, especially for fragile items.

You’ll want different sizes of moving boxes. Small ones are perfect for heavy items like books while larger ones work well for lighter objects like bedding or curtains. This way, none of your boxes will be too heavy or difficult to handle.

To make sure everything stays in place, don’t forget tape and scissors – these tools will let you secure each box after it’s packed up. Labels are another essential supply that’ll help you know what’s inside every box without having to open them again.

Tips for Packing Efficiently

Packing smart isn’t just about using quality supplies; it’s also about how you use them. For starters: always pack heavier items at the bottom of a box and lighter ones at the top so nothing gets squashed during transit.

A pro tip here: filling any empty spaces within each box with scrunched-up newspaper helps prevent shifting during transport – this keeps things even safer.

  • Create an inventory list before starting:
  1. Note down all major furniture pieces,
  2. List appliances along with their specifications,
  3. Categorise personal belongings by room (e.g., bedroom, kitchen).

This will not only help you stay organised but also give a better idea of how many boxes and what kind of packing materials you’ll need. You can use this list later to make sure everything arrived safely at your new home.

Here’s another tip. Pack stuff you’ll need immediately, like toiletries, tomorrow’s clothes or basic kitchen tools, in a separate box.

Preparing Your New Living Space

Moving into a new place can feel like stepping into an empty canvas. Here are some steps to take before moving in, making the space feel more like home and less like just another living space.

Turning Utilities On

Before moving in, ensure your utilities are turned on by consulting with the relevant authorities. You don’t want to be stuck without electricity or running water on move-in day. Check with your landlord or estate agent about how to go about this process as it varies depending on where you live.

For UK residents, typically it’s necessary to get in touch with both current and future utility companies to provide them the dates of moving out from the former residence and arriving at the new one. Citizen’s Advice Bureau has great advice for dealing with energy providers when moving house.

Buying Furniture Online

Beyond turning utilities on which makes a place livable, what truly transforms a living space into something that feels uniquely yours is furniture. Buying furniture online lets you shop around different styles and price points without leaving home.

If budget allows, consider investing in key pieces such as beds and sofas rather than trying to fill out every room right away. Which? offers ratings of various online furniture stores based on customer reviews; it’s a good place to start your search.

Another thing that makes the space feel more homely is having familiar items around you. Consider bringing along family photos, artwork or even just a favourite mug from the old place to put up in the new one. Having these personal touches can make a big difference when settling into your new living space.

Moving house is one of life’s biggest transitions but remember – with some careful planning and preparation, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Making sure utilities are on and furnishing your home at a pace comfortable for you will go a long way in making this transition smoother.

Once you’ve finished relocating, there are still a few items to address. It can feel like a mountain of tasks is looming over you. But fear not. We’re here to help with that post-move to-do list.

Updating Your Address

Updating your address at the post office is more than just telling them where to deliver your mail now. It also helps keep government records up-to-date and ensures important communications reach you promptly.

To update it, simply go online or visit your local branch. And don’t forget about subscriptions, memberships and online retailers as well – they’ll need updating too.

Changing Your Driver’s License

Moving house means changing the address on your driver’s license. Don’t put this off – in many places it’s legally required within 30 days of moving.

The process varies but usually involves filling out a form online or by post (remember those stamps.). You may have to fork out a smidgen of cash for fresh cards.

Ticking Off The Other Items On The To-Do List…

Beyond these essentials, what else might be on that daunting task list?

  • If you’ve been paying rent directly from an old bank account which has since closed down after switching banks during apartment hunting then getting this sorted should be high priority so ensure any payments due aren’t missed.
  • Your utilities will need updating too, so get those meter readings and inform the suppliers about your move. Include water, gas and electricity.
  • Remember to update your details with grocery stores for online shopping deliveries.

Don’t forget to give your old place one last look. You wouldn’t want to leave anything or risk losing your security deposit because you didn’t clean up. And remember, if you’re using a moving service…

Making Your New Place Feel Like Home

One of the biggest transitions in life is moving to a new place. The good news is, there are ways to make your new pad feel like home from day one. Let’s explore some tips and tricks that can help.

Stock Up on Groceries

The first step towards making a house feel like a home is filling it with familiar scents and tastes. Consider buying groceries before you even move in. BBC Good Food offers great advice for your first food shop. It suggests including water, basics such as bread and milk, plus bowl colander spatula essentials for cooking up comfort meals.

A hot cuppa or a homemade meal not only provides comfort but also breaks the monotony of takeaway boxes during those early days.

Create Comfort Zones

To really make your space cosy, create small comfort zones around the apartment – areas where you feel most relaxed or happy. This could be setting up an inviting coffee table filled with books you love or arranging soft cushions on your favourite chair by the window. Buzzfeed has got some fantastic ideas here, check them out..

Add Personal Touches

Incorporate items that reflect who you are into every room: photos of family members hanging on walls; keepsakes displayed prominently; perhaps even laying down rugs passed down through generations. These touches give a sense of continuity and belonging.

Get Familiar with the Area

Moving to a new place can feel daunting. But getting familiar with your surroundings, such as local grocery stores or nearby parks, will help you settle in quicker. Utilise social media platforms to discover happenings or organisations in the community that match your hobbies.

Aid Kit for Necessities

After a tiring day of moving, the last thing you want is to dig through boxes just for some toilet paper, right?

FAQs in Relation to Tips for First-Time Movers

How do you deal with moving for the first time?

To handle a first-time move, start planning early. Choose your moving company wisely, budget accordingly, and pack smart to make it less stressful.

How much money should I have saved before moving out?

You’ll want to save at least three months’ worth of living expenses. This covers rent, utilities, food, and other unexpected costs that may pop up during the move.

What should I do the night before my movers arrive?

The night before your movers arrive, finish packing all non-essential items. Label boxes clearly and prepare an essentials bag for easy access on arrival day.

How long does it take to move out for the first time?

Moving out for the first time can take several weeks or even months from the initial planning stages through the actual move-out day.


Let’s take a step back. Reflect on the tips for first-time movers we’ve journeyed through.

We began with choosing the right moving company, an essential factor to keep your belongings safe and ensure a smooth move. Then we moved onto budget planning, highlighting costs from packing supplies to hiring professionals.

Packing smart was our next stop, underlining efficient strategies and crucial supplies needed for successful moving day preparation.

Turning utilities on in your new place before settling down came up as well; it’s more than just convenience—it makes you feel at home. And let’s not forget about updating your address at the post office or changing your driving license—vital steps often overlooked amidst chaos of relocation!

In essence? Moving can be overwhelming—but these pointers are here to help simplify that leap into independence!

Looking For a Man and Van?

When you need an extra pair of hands to give your valuable a lift, hire Transport Executive to help you get you moving! Whether you need a one or two-man team, we have a network of courier drivers and reliable vans and packing services at your fingertips through our quick and easy booking process. Using our man and van courier service is often the ideal way to pack and deliver your large items and other goods.

Would you like us to provide you with a free quote, book a courier service job, or provide some friendly advice? We would love to hear from you! Call us at (44) 2033 184 720 to get a free quote!

About The Author
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Anthony King

I'm Anthony King, founder and CEO of Transport Executive. I've spent the last 5 years writing, taking care of my dogs, and enjoying life as it should be. I'm also a beer enthusiast by trade and a wine connoisseur. You can learn more about me and the company here.